Renovating is a rather new experience for me. As time goes by, walls go down, walls go up and so on and so forth – we’re pretty much being offered a fresh start – a blank slate you might say. Know what comes with a blank slate? Lots of options. Don’t get me wrong, I love the opportunity to do just what we want to McNest. However, as many of you know, I sometimes tend to be a tad bit indecisive. This is evidenced by the fact that I have been trying since the day after we were engaged to decide on a paint color for the kitchen. Here we are 47 days later and still no progress made on that front.
Some might also say that I tend to sometimes possibly be a little bit on the melodramatic side. Who me? What? It’s true. When I walk into McNest, my brain goes into overdrive and starts composing to-do lists to cover all of the stuff that needs to be done. It is just simply overwhelming the way my mind works – allowing absolutely no room to focus on anything more than completing the whole renovation at once and if at all possible by the end of the week. Flight of the Bumblebee starts playing in my head and the room starts spinning (not really – but it makes for good effect while writing – me dramatic? Never).
At times like that I have to remember to breathe (luckily I learned how to treat hyperventilating while at my surprise birthday/engagement party so I’m an expert at calming myself down). Then figure out what task I’m going to work on (or Eddie is going to work on), and then be happy when we accomplish something (yes! I totally succeeded in putting the outlet covers back on – I rock!)
So yeah – renovations have proven to be a lot of things – stressful (how’s it gonna get done), frustrating (dumb wallpaper), and difficult (dumb wallpaper). But the renovations have also give us much to laugh about (dumb wallpaper), given us some fun times (painting), and have been pretty rewarding even this early on.
I want McNest to have character, and I’m thinking between the two of us – it’ll have just that ;)