So apparently my public desires more posting of what’s going on with me and Ed – but where are you in the comments section public? How am I to know these things unless you tell me directly :)
I guess I’ll fill you all in on what we did the other weekend. We ventured into the world of wedding registries. What is the point of this you ask? Well the point is to imagine how good McNest is going to look one day when we put something in its empty rooms :) It was a little overwhelming, but I guess that is to be expected when you’re pretty much starting from scratch. Eddie and I both live at our parents houses so basically we’re coming to McNest with nothing more than clothes, shoes, and dvds – and when I say nothing more – I really mean far more than the average person should have.
We decided to go to Target first, where we met with an unenthusiastic girl behind the customer service desk who told us in monotone about the rules of registering. Honestly – show some excitement here – I’m getting married! I didn’t really hear the rules, because I was already picturing myself running off down the aisles with the scanner gun zapping bar codes and beaming things to our wedding wish list. I pretty much had one goal – look for something understated and mid range that didn’t put off a vibe of overinflated sense of self worth. I think Eddie’s goal was to look for anything that looked like it could decorate a safari room (just kidding love!). Our tastes and styles are different but I guess that’s all part of what makes us interesting together :)
We thought that the whole registry thing would be a piece of cake and take about an hour. Three hours later when Target closed for the evening, we weren’t even done, and I have no clue what is on the list. I’m not sure if Eddie scanned stuff when I was turned around or not. If there are TV seasons on DVD listed on there – he did it!! If there are items of clothing – my bad!! Just kidding :) We still have to go modify the list (thank goodness you can do it online – I’m computer savvy to say the least), and figure out what should have been on there and maybe what’s not supposed to be. We’re new at this ya know.
It really was fun imagining how things would one day look in McNest and what kinds of food he…I mean we…will make in our new cookware. I can’t wait til our happily ever after :)
First, MADD props on the alliteration. I feel adored. Thank you.
Two, way to solicit comments. I mean, this is a free service you're offering, but ain't nothin' wrong with a li'l "in kind" compliment, know what I'm sayin'?
Three, I'm going to wait until you narrow it down. I took a peek and got WAY too excited and then bummed because I didn't want people buying things before I could. I mean, vegetable peelers are nice and all, but I don't want you to be whackin' at a potato going, "Danita gave us a potato peeler. I mean, seriously?"
Four. I can't wait for y'all's happily ever after either. March is coming soon enough, but it's still far away!
Love y'all.
I would love you if you bought me a potato peeler - especially if you made it a combination gift with the knife that makes crinkle fries - how cute is that? I can make my own crinkle fries - and I would too!
You are the best commenter. I love ya bunches and can't wait to see you in October!
I wish I was there - like a fly on the wall - watching
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