So the sheetrock guy rocked – literally! I told you people earlier that this was the first time we hired someone out to complete a project for us and needless to say – he got that project done way faster than we would have. It was lovely to see progress happen so quickly and at such a steady pace. Things like that don’t usually happen like that here.
I feel that over the course of this sheetrock project I have learned a thing or two or twenty about the topic and I’d like to share my findings with you. The whole sheetrock process pretty much consists of the following…smear mud over tape seams and screws…let it dry…sand it….smear on some more mud…let it dry….sand it….smear on even more mud…you get the picture. It sounds easy and honestly the mud looks like a huge container of cake icing….but there is nothing easy or delightfully tasty about it.
But guess what? Sheetrock guy finished up the bathroom and the den and now I can go to sleep at nite in McNest without worrying if the walls will fall down on top of us while we watch tv or take a shower. Bonus!
Moving on…our progress sometimes seems slow – painfully slow. I did some mental calculations this weekend to determine whether or not we’ll be able to live in McNest by March. I got confused converting project time into days and months, so I pulled out a Magic 8 ball and asked it instead. Of course it gave me a non-committal answer (reply hazy – try again). So I shook it again and got an affirmative answer that I liked better (It is decidedly so). Of course this is the same ball that told me that “yes definitely” a perm was a good idea in Junior High and boy was that ever a bad idea. So I’m not sure how reliable it is.
I’ve been struggling to emit any sort of productivity in regards to McNest (as evidenced by the lack of renovation posts). I got a small surge of energy from my Bagulful this morning(mmm thanks Kraft!) which inspired me to blog and tell you all something to keep you coming back for more, but that’s pretty much all I am good for. I’ll need more than a little carbohydrate high to do something productive house wise. We did meet up Monday evening to do a little painting of the orange persuasion. I feel like I’m the slowest painter on earth – I think it has to do with being a perfectionist. Eddie on the other hand is a speed painter. I’m almost afraid to stand still in front of him because he might slap a coat of Autumn Rust right on me.
Guuuuuuuuuuuurl (and Eddie), the Autumn Rust is fabulous!
Loves it. I'm going to try not to become a squatter when I come home to visit :)
It's certainly coming along nicely, I will say. I mean, those wicked ugly wall borders are gone, which may or may not have been enough for me to feel okay about it all. Still, kidding aside, as you well know my dear, good things come to those who wait!
Regina - I always feel inadequate writing after Danita. It makes me feel like I am writing a 3rd grade comment to her college comments. Oh well. I love you D!!! I first want to clarify that it is not the bagel than got you motivated. I know you. You are not a breakfast person, and you have not even started on the bagel at 8:42. The fact is - you wrote the blog section b/c you are bored out of your freakin' mind. This passed 30minutes of your time.
The orange looks great. I can't wait to see it in person.
I love you bunches!!!
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