Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's not that we've been purposely neglecting the blog. It’s just that we haven’t been working really. Well that’s not true – work has been done…so what it comes down to is what we’ve been doing over at McNest is so mind-numbingly boring that not only do we not want to do it (touch up paint with a paint by number brush) – we don’t even want to talk about doing it either. Honestly, when we’re not even fascinated by what we’re doing – we know you won’t be. The blog silence is for your own protection.

I find myself facing a slight motivational crisis everyday when I come home from work. I have found that there are many evenings where there is ample time and opportunity to do some sort of project at McNest. Yet I am only mentally prepared to take a nap and possibly watch an episode or two of John & Kate Plus 8. Therein lies my dilemma…what to do…what to do…

I vow to do better people.

In list form, here’s what I’d like to get done soon (or prior to our union as man and wife… or by the year 2012)
-tile in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room
-paint kitchen cabinets and walls
-buy appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, oven)
-buy furniture (couch, recliner, loooove seat, dining room table and chairs, bed)
-win lottery or sweepstakes that would allow me to do all of the above with minimal to no effort

I actually hope to have a real update by the beginning of next week for you all :)


nitadee said...

Good. I'll be waiting ...

Anonymous said...

I will start watching the sales papers :) Love you! ~ Regina

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