I know I know. It’s been a long time.
I won’t try to come up with excuses. I’ll just get right to it.
23 days people. 23 days. How crazy is that? So crazy.
There’s so much to do and so little time. But isn’t that the way it always is.
So much has happened over the past couple of months – and you’ve had zero updates from yours truly. I’ll try to get you up to speed.Christmas was just fabulous (I was actually not sick finally). We spent much time with our families (here is mine) and I for one hearted sleeping late for multiple days in a row.
My wedding dress is now altered to perfection. I can’t gain one ounce. Not even like a gram. It fits like a glove. A really tight glove that you can’t breathe in…but a glove. Sorry no pictures – since you know who reads the blog we can’t have him seeing it before the big day.
We had our very first wedding shower. So fun. Both sides of my family got together and gave the sweetest, prettiest shower ever.
Wedding showers are a lovely privilege that the bride gets to enjoy where her closest friends and family “shower” her with lovely presents, attention and wishes (and who doesn’t love that). It’s a time to help a young (and I say that because I still am young) bride get started on her new life. I opened presents, and although I registered for the majority of them, I was still surprised and so happy with each one that I opened.It was slightly overwhelming to begin with when everyone was just staring at me opening everything, but the feeling of being suffocated by much pink tissue paper, ribbons and bows went away after the first couple of presents. Thanks Alicia for sitting next to me so I would feel better :) Ed arrived at the end and loaded up everything and we took it all into McNest, where we unloaded everything into the living room and left (we’ll totally have it all put up by the 7th of March – I think).
I also had a shower at work this week. They had pink gerber daisies set up on tables and it was absolutely adorable. I work with the best people. They are so good to me! I love y’all bunches (shout out: Hi Deanna, Paula, Rhonda, Vicki, Nancy, and Dana!. It was definitely my favorite day of work since I started in Nov 2002 (oh other than that day we got to leave early because it snowed).
Moving right along. We’ve been working on a room! It is almost totally complete. Take a look at this kitchen color. Here's Eddie working hard (cough cough). We went from bleh to crazy yellow to this oh so lovely shade of brown that Michelle custom mixed for us at Lowe's. We heart Michelle. I'm so sad that she is moving :( Michelle you do realize that if we run out of paint you have to come back home. Back to the kitchen. How exciting is that? The walls and cabinets were repainted (again) and appliances and (some)hardware were installed. Our kitchen is like totally functional. I could actually cook a meal (in theory) there. More on that later.
What’s even more fun is that now that the kitchen is somewhat finished (still need new countertops) we can actually unpack some of our wedding gifts and get them into place and maybe even start using some of them now. Cause really - who has their coffee maker and microwave in the living room? Though I can see the benefits of having them there (warm up your popcorn in the same room you watch the movie), it's just not going to work for us.Tonight we're hoping to purchase a mattress (who knew a mattress would cost that much). Apparently the bed didn't come with one (how stupid). But since we don't really want to roll out sleeping bags, we're gonna bite the bullet and buy us a nifty plush perfect sleeper. So hopefully I'll have some new pictures to share with you after the weekend.
I'll try to get back into the swing of posting regularly. But really - when you don't comment on what I do write - where is my incentive? :) <--- Blatant hint to write a reply to posts that I take my sweet time to write.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Terrible Blogger
Posted by Wifey2b at 2/12/2009
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REGINA K: First off - i thought you were changing your kitchen to another yellow. However, I do heart the brown. Very beautiful!!!! I have missed your blogs. It really brightens my days at SWU! I heat you!!!
I'm with Regina on all counts, and I, too, am LOVING the chocolate color - it's perfect.
I'm just so excited and you know you're gonna need to be consistent with this bloggin' yo! I'm TOO FAR AWAY to not have visuals on every teensy detail.
See you in 8-9 days :)
lovin' the pretty brown.. good job michelle!! i miss her. but i am very capable of mixing paint so let me know.. (in case michelle can't get back in time.) the house is looking good.. i'm caught up on my reading.. looking forward to more!!
<3 roxi.
I'm glad you put pictures up of the inside of your house, because all I have ever gotten to see is the outside...in the dark. I feel...neglected.
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